
weekend finds, random photo of me!

hello! hello! how are you guys? I realized I haven't posted anything for this month of February, I'm experiencing some serious blogging funk lately...and I'm glad to find some treasures from this past weekend so I have something to blog about this week :)

I've also been refraining my self from going to too many auctions lately as I often get carried away bidding on so many stuff that I don't know what to do with, so to cure the itch, I go to a couple of thrift stores on the weekends and set a budget to spend. No more than $20, unless of course I find a cool looking chair.

This past weekend I found a stack of old childrens books from Deseret and I really love all the colorful illustrations on them.  They look like they were from a library and has the word "discard" on the inside, I find it strange that they would get rid these nice looking books.

Also found this pair of Dansko clogs from the same thrift shop for $6! And they look almost new!

I also thrifted this sweater for my daughter, it's in the sweetest shade of green. I love it, she could probably still wear it for a few weeks, it's still cold here in the NW.  Although she told me she is tired of wearing her winter clothes. 

One night last week while I was doing the dishes she came up and asked me; "mommy is it summer tomorrow" I said "no honey it's still winter" and then she just started crying, and I started laughing. She's so funny sometimes.

Grand total of my finds? $16! Not too bad right?

......and......now on a more personal note.....

I got an email from a reader wondering why I don't post any of my photo here...it's because I don't have many pictures of myself; in most gatherings or family events I am always behind the lens taking pictures of people and things.  And I'm not photogenic at all, on most of my pictures I always look either tired, sleepy, or awkward- just look at this shot I took of myself yesterday morning after dropping the kids off to school.  This is me, most of the time I'm in my yoga pants or jeans, sweater, and ponytail, and I don't wear makeup. And I don't do my nails, I mean they're nice and clean but I rarely paint them .  The only time I had my nails done by a professional was when I got married. So there's me.

On a lighter note, here's a more cheerful photo of my daughter Sofia...she loves her pictures taken and she's very photogenic even if she makes funny faces.

The end.


  1. Love all the illustrated books you found!
    Oh & nice to meet you too! :)

  2. Even your photos of yourself are artistic! If I didn't love ya so much, I just might hate you. And OMG- is the book in the stack underneath Tico called Treat Shop???? If it is, that's the book I had a story from most nights when I was little...now my Sophie gets read to from it. Your Sofie is precious :)

  3. I love your photo. I especially love how you just wear jeans, and don't wear makeup and don't paint your nails ... I don't either. More power to us!

    That daughter of yours is a chip off the ol' block!

  4. Who needs makeup with lovely skin and full lips such as yours?
    Love the blog!!

  5. i've basically stopped thrifting because i just can't keep up with listing what i buy. so it will be a treat indeed when i let myself go!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow those illustration books are absolutely gorgeous!! I agree, who would get rid of those?!

    Cool photo of yourself. It does take some getting used to posting pictures of one self, but oh well, it's really great to put a face to someone's blog or store ect. :))
