

I could never get the kids to eat breakfast in the morning on a school day, a good amount of time is spent each morning trying to convince them to eat something before heading to school; coco puffs, chocolate muffins, Snicker bars, anything.  Just kidding. about the Snicker bar.  I don’t want them to starve before recess time.  Maybe something as colorful as these breakfast would do the trick? Don't they look amazing? 
Found here.


  1. Oh, those all look so yummy! I'd love to have any of those plates in front of me in the morning. Sophie is all about the toaster streudel these days- blueberry. If she gets to put on the frosting herself, I can even get her to eat a side of fresh fruit :)

  2. Although it's not something I would eat - I love the leafy picture - looks amazing :)

  3. Yum!Delicious breakfasts! It's hard to be creative at 6am though.

  4. @ Jennie- hmmm streudel... will get that on my next grocery run. thanks!

    @ Zohar- these are more like adult breakfast but looks yummy nonetheless.

    @ Make mine- I know what you mean, hard enough for me to make my coffee in the morning...
