
final countdown

In fourty eight hours my twins are starting a whole new chapter in their lives and mine.  They'll start kindergarten on Friday.  Just thinking about it makes me nervous and excited at the same time.  This afternoon I went to Walmart to get the last minute shopping done and finally checked off my list (talk about last minute prep)!

school supplies bought and sorted ✔
school uniforms laundered and ironed ✔
haircut done ✔
pencils sharpened ✔
bagpacks and coats labeled ✔
double checked shoes and made sure it’s where they can be found ✔

I'm sure I'm still forgetting a couple of things... Ahh, first day of school is so nervewracking!


  1. It IS so exciting!! What are you going to wear? Lol. Sophie starts on September 10th- we are both very ready. She isn't old enough to start Kindergarten, but she'll go to a junior k program from 930-230 every day. What on earth are we going to do with all of this extra time???

  2. I knew I'm forgetting something, what to wear hmmm... Trust me I'm already daydreaming of things I could accomplish while the kiddos at school :)

  3. My kids are a little older now but I still remember their first day of school. It's a huge step. Good luck!
