
mirror mirror

I don't have many mirrors in my home, in fact the only mirrors I have are the medicine cabinet mirrors in my bath and one full length mirror I use to check if my shoes matches before going out the door to run errands or do my thrifting and mail runs, pathetic huh?. But I know others love to decorate their home or their entire walls with nothing but mirrors. And it can be charming and very stylish, I've seen pictures, but I can't do that, I won't get anything done but stare on my wall all day.

I got these mirrors last weekend from Goodwill and will be listing them in the shop soon.


  1. I have a few large mirrors on my walls for decoration- they really open up a room. Now mirrors that I look in... I'm like you minus the full length one :)

    You found some nice ones- I love the accordion style.

  2. thanks Jennie, I think I contradicted myself there, although I love mirros esp the ornate victorian sytle ones I don't like too many of them in my house for some personal issues I am going through right now...
