Whoever collected these postcards was determined to fit them all in one box, it was full, the box was falling apart on the sides.
Here's a few neat and interesting ones....
owl postcards, I love the brown shades on these cards...
there are a bunch of these old photographs made into postcards...
hauntingly beautiful; interiors of old houses.
amish postcards? anyone?
There's a few Larson "Far Side Cartoons", this one's a classic!
here's an interesting one; a silhouette of a man taking photos of what looks like an icicles... seriously, someone thought this is a good enough photo to use as a postcard?

detail shot of the above I presume... this photo look repulsive...
and so is this...another detail shot in the shade of red...
Honestly. Can you imagine receiving something like this in your mail?
ok, that's it for now...I'll show more postcards on another post.