home: backyard
Just some photos I took this weekend of my backyard plants. I wish it would stay this way all year round, so lovely, colourful and peaceful.
blog? what blog?
Since I haven't written anything for more than a week, all I can say is this is the direct effect of signing up with Twitter, you sort of forget that you have a blog to update, and forget the slew of other networking sites you have to tend to, which explains this flatliner on my GA account.

To my faithful three readers, I'll be back soon with more meaningful updates and sneek peaks I promise, so keep checking.
Happy Friday!
I now twitter
Care Bear party
Etsy purchase - Shinzi Katoh wide tape
Since I'm not only a seller but also an avid shopper on Etsy I thought I'd add a category to showcase my favourite Etsy puchases here, and this ones made it to the top of my the cutest list; a Shinzi Katoh wide tape from Cottonblue.

I used this particular design to use on the favors I'm preparing for the little ones birthday party this weekend. And since it's going to be a Care Bear theme party, and everything is about colours and rainbows, I thought this would look adorable to use as seals for the multi coloured bubble gums to add to the loot bag.

She also have these other designs in here shop, it's really hard to choose just one, they're all so adorable and cute! (you've been warned)

my cupcakes eating cupcakes
My cupcakes turns 4 today...

and what a better way to celebrate than to surprise them with some chocolate cupcakes for breakfast... 

with loads of icing and sprinkles...

And will read a couple of books at story time. And maybe one more cupcake for each after dinner tonight.

before sending them off to school.
and to offset the sugar, I am cooking tacos for lunch for the whole class.
Happy birthday Jovan and Sofia! ~love, Mommy
thrifted things that make me go hmmmm...
I had thrifted this item many months ago but haven't listed it yet cause I can't figure out exactly what it was used for. Hubby thinks it's a cigar chamber, I think it will be awesome as a toothbrush holder.
home: outside
I just love this time of year and how everything on my front yard look so lush, leafy and green. I especially love the red and green japanese maple tree, the big pine tree right next to my entrance and the blooming magnolia. It's my little piece of heaven.

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